Monday, March 10, 2008

"A Jury of Her Peers" March 10th

I really liked this story. I thought it was well written. At first when I was reading I was a little concerned that the wife was innocent and that she was going to end up paying for the crime even though she didn't do it. What I really liked was the buildup to the ending. There was a lot of imformation and a lot of dialogue and details that just made the story work. I think the story was pretty female oriented. I really enjoyed how the men were doing all the walking around and investigating and poking fun at the women for discussing her quiliting, fussing over the preserves, and the general state of the house. The men didn't pay attention to the details such as the bird cage that had been forced open, they took the women's word for it when they said the cat got it. I think this story was to give women a little more credit in life and I really ejoyed that. I also liked the details like the quilting square that was very different from the others, like she was worried, the men didn't notice that. I was surprised in the end that the women stood up for Minnie Foster and didn't show the bird for evidence. It shows the common bond women have with one other and they were in a way standing up to the oppression of men.

1 comment:

S. Anderson said...

You picked out some really interesting points to discuss with this story. I like this one too for a lot of the same reasons.